Loving-Kindness Meditation for Compassion and Well-Being

woman meditating with praying hands

Wishing peace and goodwill to all isn’t a concept you need to reserve for the holidays. This easy mindfulness meditation called loving-kindness can give you the warm fuzzies all over, 一年到头.


Meditation may sound hard but there is a simple way to get started: love and kindness.

Loving-kindness refers to a state of unconditional kindness and compassion for all beings. This concept is found in many religions and cultures around the world, and the tradition spans a few thousand years.  

有什么大不了的? Some studies suggest you can boost your empathy and feelings of connection and may reduce your implicit bias, 愤怒, 抑郁和焦虑.


你 start with yourself and expand your circles of compassion outward. 以下是最基本的:

  1. 想想你自己. Direct your kindness to yourself with a phrase such as, “May I be happy.”
  2. 非常亲密的人: Think about someone you love. Direct your kindness to that person, “May you be happy.”
  3. 有人中性: Think about someone you feel neutral about, such as a coworker you really don’t like or dislike. Direct your kindness to this person, “May you be happy.”
  4. 有人恶意: Think about someone you have a tough time being around. Direct your kindness to this person, “May you be happy.”
  5. : Think about all of these people together, and equally direct your kindness to all of them.
  6. 扩大: Finally direct your kindness 到处都是, “May all beings 到处都是 be happy.”

你们懂的. 让它更符合你的风格, with a different phrase such as, “愿我安息,或“愿我平安。,” or stack phrases together to expand the notion. To get more practice, search for a loving-kindness meditation video and find your favorite version.

Tonight before you drift off, take a moment to wish yourself some well-deserved peace. Let’s do this, and be Healthy for Good!