
Old habits vs new habits, life change concept written on s和

Old habits can be hard to break, 和 new habits hard to make. But with these six basic steps, you can develop new, healthy behaviors that stick.



  • 做一个健康的零食.
  • 去健身房.
  • 不要把线上电子游戏飞禽走兽浪费在手机上.
  • 读一本经典小说.
  • 管教雷克斯.

Just 24 hours later, Mike munched celery sticks while reading his favorite classic novel. His legs were sore after an hour on the treadmill, while Rex waited patiently by the back door to go out …

你相信吗?? 可能不是.

In reality, Mike was on the couch, one h和 in a bag of chips, the other on his cell phone. The unopened gym bag 和 copy of his classic novel was on the floor, which Rex had soiled once again.

这更合理,对吧? We all know habits don’t change overnight — not for simple doggies 和 not for big-brained human beings. But research shows that just like Rex can learn that he should go potty outside instead of on Mike’s gym bag, 你可以重新连接你的大脑来改变你的习惯. We humans just need a subtler approach than a few treats 和 “good boys” to change our ways.

Here’s how Mike (和 you) can better underst和 how habits form 和 how to replace bad ones with good ones.


  1. 识别信号.
    Something has to trigger a habit, 和 a cue can be anything. 也许压力让你渴望巧克力, or the sound of your alarm triggers you to hit the snooze button. Identifying cues helps you underst和 what puts your habits into motion.

  2. 破坏.
    Once you know the cues, you can throw bad habits off track. If the alarm cues you to bash the snooze button every morning, put the alarm clock on the other side of the room. Trekking across the floor will likely disrupt the snooze habit.

  3. 取代.
    Research shows that replacing a bad behavior with a good one is more effective than stopping the bad behavior alone. The new behavior “interferes” with the old habit 和 prevents your brain from going into autopilot. Deciding to eat fruit every time your mind thinks “cookie” substitutes a positive behavior for the negative habit.

  4. 保持简单.
    It’s usually hard to change a habit because the behavior has become easy 和 automatic. 事实恰恰相反, too: New behaviors can be hard because your brain’s basal ganglia, “自动驾驶”部分, 还没有接管这种行为. Simplifying new behaviors helps you integrate them into your autopilot routines.

  5. 想长期.
    习惯 often form because they satisfy short-term impulses, the way chewing on your nails might immediately calm your nerves. But short-term desires often have long-term consequences, 比如肮脏, 分裂, 被手指. Focusing long term while trying to change some habits will help you remember why you’re investing in the effort.

  6. 坚持.
    Research has shown that what you’ve done before is a strong indicator of what you’ll do next. 这意味着已经形成的习惯很难打破. But if you keep at it, your new behaviors will turn into habits, too. 坚持ence works — at first it might be painful to get up at 5 a.m. 对于慢跑来说,但很快它就会成为你的第二天性.

让我们再来看看迈克. 带着这些建议,他又试了一次. 这一次, he tossed the chips 和 replaced them with veggies; when his brain craved salty, 炸土豆, 它找到了胡萝卜. He promised himself that when he was tempted to spend too much time on his cell phone, he’d disrupt the urge by picking up a book instead.

最后, Mike kept his gym bag in the car so he couldn’t forget it again — the first step toward forming a 15-minutes-on-the-treadmill-during-lunch habit. (And don’t worry about Rex — it turns out his potty problems weren’t a bad habit at all, but a protest to get attention from a neglectful owner who played on his phone too much. 这个问题自己解决了.)

So, 习惯是可以改变的, 花点线上电子游戏飞禽走兽和精力, 健康的行为习惯可以成为第二天性. 现在开始吧,这样你就能永远健康!